GTF ialah singkatan kepada glucose toletance factor. GTF wujud dalam semua cell dalam badan manusia, dan berfungsi utama sebagi penstabil metabolism gula dalam badan. Ini kerana ia membawa glucose kepada semua cell dalam badan dalam hal menyelaraskan insulin dan insulin receptors, dan dikenali sebagai "Glucose Tolerance Factor".
GTF mesti co-exist bersama insulin to mengaktifkan insulin receptors. GTF ialah material ynag complex yang mengandungi asa Trivalent chromium bercampur mineral, vitamin dan acid amino.
Manusia biasanya memperolehi trivalent chromium daripada makanan. Trivalen chromium ini akan ditukar kepada GTF dan membantu dalam mengekalkan tahap metabolism glucose dalam badan. Jika individu menderita akibat kekurangan Trivalent Cromium ynag berpanjangan, badan mereka akan mengjasilkan kurang GTF, dan glocose akan diserap melalui sistem penghadaman dan tidak dipindahkan kepada cell dan ditukar kepada tenaga.
Disebabkan highly concentrated blood sugar tidak boleh di diserap semuanya kepada buah pinggang, individu itu akhirnya akan menghadapi clinical symptom of diabetes atau tanda-tanda awal kencing manis. Pada peringkat awal ini kadar gula berlebihan dalam badan akan dibuang ke urine. Peringjkat ini GTF amat diperlukan dan memainkan peranan penting dalam menyerap glocose oleh buah pinggang kita.
Whenever the blood sugar concentration is higher than normal for a long period of time, there will be a large increase in GTF consumption as the body attempts to reabsorb excess glucose. GTF that has performed its function is excreted into the urine by the renal tubules, which severely depletes the body’s supply of trivalent chromium and causes the gradual loss of kidney function. This is one of the main reasons why diabetes occurs. Apart from this, overwork, pregnancy, obesity, old age, alcoholism, surgery, and disease may accelerate the loss of chromium from the body and worsen chromium deficiency. By making it harder for blood sugar to enter cells, chromium deficiency will induce the clinical symptoms of Type II diabetes.
Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF) is sometimes also known as “insulin booster.” Insulin must interact with GTF and insulin receptor to successfully send glucose into cells so it can be converted to energy. GTF can therefore be said to boost the biological activity of insulin and enhance the insulin receptors’ sensitivity.
By promoting the binding of insulin and insulin receptors and increasing the permeability of the cell membrane, GTF enables blood sugar to enter cells.
GTF thus helps insulin accomplish its function of reducing blood sugar. As long as the elements of insulin, GTF, and insulin receptors are functioning properly, insulin can play its role as the body’s sole hormone responsible for reducing blood sugar. But if any one of these three elements is missing, hypoglycemia and diabetes will occur. Among diabetics, 5~10% lack insulin, roughly 10% lack insulin receptors, and the remaining 80% lack GTF. Most people with diabetes got that way mainly due to a lack of GTF.
Article source: Dr. Mao Chia-hung (Doctor of endocrinology, University of Wisconsin)
Sabtu, 17 Mei 2008
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